From: Elizabeth Rangel
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 9:20 PM
To: db
Subject: Your local programming (and the not so local programming)

Dear KBRD,

It has been brought to my attention, your current discontent for a certain "sports station in San Diego that has priority over local programming"
I'm just curious, how long will this conclusion last?
It's passive, but seems to end a productive day of wonderful music and hosting on a slightly.. bitter note.
As a long time listener, I don't recall this particular au revoir always being in existence.
Please, please, stop the hate. Unlocal sports stations in far away lands need love too. (for some reason)- As do farewells for the day.
How about.. Godspeed? (just throwing that out there)
My customers and I very much enjoy your music, and I get asked all the time what station this is. Please, don't make me have to say one day.."That's just Robert Siegel doing some

Elizabeth R.H.

P.S. I will gladly one day make a donation to your radio station.... when I subject myself to a better paying (but less rewarding) job at a place other than our local book store. I will.
I promise.